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Trust Matters, November 2018

From the Claims Corner – The Impact of Hurricane Florence
Shield Services Adds New Simulator to Risk Management Toolbox
Using Telemedicine During Cold and Flu Season

From​ the Claims Corner – The Impact of Hurricane Florence

The Property & 伤亡理赔部正在努力为我们许多因飓风而遭受损失的会员提供理赔服务. 我们的合同CAT理算员每周工作七天,与我们的会员会面并检查损坏情况. Currently, 他们正在编制估计数,并努力就承保财产损失的费用达成一致. 我们的常设工作人员还处理涉及大量被淹车辆和设备的索赔.

In addition to handling the claims, 理算员正在与我们的成员合作,提供重要的文件,协助向联邦应急管理局提出索赔. This is a critical service our staff provides.

To provide a reference as to the magnitude of Hurricane Florence, 预计已支付的佛罗伦萨索赔额超过了1996年弗兰飓风赔付额的总和。, Floyd (1999), Isabel (2003), Irene (2011), and Matthew (2016). 就像我们帮助会员评估自己的风险敞口一样,365足彩下载的财产 & 伤亡信托基金通过适当的计划和再保险来保护自己,以支付灾难性的损失,并帮助保持经济上的安全.


Shield Services Adds New Simulator to Risk Management Toolbox

拓展我们的承诺,为我们的会员提供最好的客户服务和风险管理资源, 365足彩下载的工人赔偿信托基金和财产和伤亡信托基金最近为执法机构购买了一个交互式抵抗反应模拟器,用于他们使用武力的培训. 

模拟器增加了我们的执法服务清单,旨在减少对保险池的索赔,同时装备人员口头互动技能和适当的决策工具,以更好地为社区服务. 我们的培训模式将侧重于提高化解冲突的技能,这是有效应对积极反抗警察的个人所必需的. The simulator training is available to law enforcement agencies that are members of the Workers' Compensation or Property and Casualty Trusts; the League will review and verify that participating agencies' Use of Force policies adhere to the most up-to-date standards and best practices prior to scheduling a response-to-resistance training.

有关模拟器的更多信息,请联系汤姆安德森 or 704-517-8496​

Using Telemedicine During Cold and Flu Season

As holiday travel and cold and flu season ramps up, 现在是时候提醒那些参加365足彩下载健康福利信托医疗计划的员工关于TELADOC. Now is the ideal time to set up their Teladoc online account; save time later by completing the health history questionnaire for each covered family member before illness strikes. 

Teladoc doctors are U.S. 在我们州或您的员工在假期期间可能访问的任何州获得委员会认证和执业许可.  They can diagnose, treat and prescribe medication for many cold and flu symptoms, if medically necessary.  When requesting to speak with a doctor, they'll ask you where you'd like any prescription to be sent, 当你旅行时,他们甚至会帮你找到附近的药店.  

然而,请记住,抗生素并不总是正确的治疗方法. Antibiotics do not fight infections caused by viruses like colds, flu, most sore throats, bronchitis, and many sinus and ear infections. 相反,医生可能会提供一种治疗方案,包括缓解病毒感染的症状. Read more about antibiotic abuse in this article on the Centers for Disease Control's website


在过去的几个月里,我们不断地被提醒着事物变化的速度有多快, 我们的许多成员都被佛罗伦萨飓风和迈克尔飓风永远改变了. 即使是那些几乎没有受到风暴破坏的城市, can feel their impacts in other ways.

其中一个影响是由于这些事件而产生的额外保险费用. For example, the extra man-hours and overtime hours increases payroll, 这会给你最终的工人赔偿审计发票增加额外的费用吗. 因为没有办法预测这些风暴的严重程度和所需的反应, 很可能大多数成员没有将任何额外的工时包括在原始工资估算中. Therefore, 如果你修改你的预算,以反映与风暴有关的额外成本, 由于工资的增加,你可能希望包括一些额外的保险费用.

In the case of overtime, we exclude the half time portion of overtime. 我们只收取员工的直接工资补偿(我们包括所有其他工资类型).

例子:一名员工每周正常工作40小时,每小时工资10美元. The employee worked 44 hours in a particular week. 加班时间(第41到44天),员工每小时挣15美元. 员工加班挣得的额外工资是20美元,不包括在保费计算中.


4 × 15美元加班费减去4 × 10美元正常时薪= 20美元加班费

记住,你最初是根据预估工资支付保险费的. Once the year has ended, an audit is completed. Overtime premium (the half time) is excluded, 但是加班费中直接加班的部分确实增加了你的总工资.

If you have over/under estimated your payrolls, the difference in premium, if any, will be adjusted at the time of your workers' compensation audit. If you did not budget for the additional expenses in this current year, we will pick up the additional payroll at audit. ​
